Tú Eres Suficiente -- You are Enough

Why Mental Health Awareness? 

This year has been a hard pill to swallow. No matter who you are. We all have had to make changes in our lives, whether they have been life altering or not. A lot of emotions have arose. We chose The National Alliance on Mental Illness a non-profit organization to donate to because they are advocating and providing support to those who need it. This non-profit organization provides an outlet for anyone who needs it with resources to fit their personal needs. Nobody has to know what you are going through, it is just important to acknowledge your emotions and if you need support it is there for you.

Sometimes it is hard to keep going. With this blog post we hope to show you different perspectives on how to make yourself feel enough! Everyone featured all had different ways to express their “why’s”.  We hope to continue to shine light for others! 

You Are Enough: Motherhood

Sarah Benson

 By: Sarah Benson

Before I became a mom, I don’t ever remember being nervous. I never doubted my ability to raise children or childbirth. It may have been my false arrogance, my friends & family’s inability to WARN me, or the pinterest-worthy snapshots of motherhood I had seen. Regardless, I was not prepared for the challenges to come.

I wasn’t prepared for my change in friendships. The way your tribe becomes the people that send a quick friendly text to “check in” without offering real support. To no fault of their own— they don’t have kiddos and aren’t privy to the kind of support you need.  

I wasn’t prepared for the shell of a person I became. The feeding, the diapers, the lack of sleep, the lack of hygiene, the lack of..... well..... nearly everything.  

 I wasn’t prepared for the toll it would take on my marriage. The focus of another little human that highjacked our time & attention. Or the renowned love I would have for my partner. The way my heart grew 2 sizes at the sight of this handsome guy rendered helpless at the sight of his baby girl. 

I wasn’t prepared for my complete obsession with this perfect little angel that I created; the way I would voluntarily run off of 2 hours of sleep in fear I might miss the first smile. Or perhaps that she’d miraculously start walking at 3 am at 4 months old and I’d miss it because I was snoozing. 

Parenthood is a wild ride. Ups & downs, twists & turns, and just when you think you’ve got it down, you’re thrown another curve ball. I’ve never known a love like this. I’ve never known a fear like this. I’ve never known a self-hating, self-doubting, fear mongering monster as powerful as parenthood. 

So on the days you feel like a rockstar, celebrate! On the day’s you feel like a failure, remind yourself that it’s perfectly okay to lock yourself in the bathroom with a box of Kleenex & a chocolatey treat. Self care comes in many forms and you can’t pour from an empty cup. And when all else fails, look in the mirror and repeat after me: YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

You Are Enough: Music

By: Taylor Hudson

A way to free my mind and be my most authentic self is through music. This is a playlist for good vibes, to feel free, and to enjoy yourself, to be everything that you are.

Track link:


SoundCloud profile:


Track list:

@fakeuzumi - SOLO - DOWN [UZUMI EDIT]

@fedecrossover - Prototype

@ekanysecretgems - Boo'd Up

@larceblake - Say yes, like you (ft. @drnrdx)

@orijanus - Paris, Tokyo_oj edit

@wavdaddy - Madeinslum

@leftnright - wallah umoja - frank ocean x tekno chanel edit

@iamwntr - janet jackson - i want you (wntr remix)

You Are Enough: Love Yourself

By: Kimmy Michelle


When I catch myself feeling less than, nothing makes me feel more confident than pushing my limits in the gym. Listening to my favorite playlist, focusing on my breathing, looking at myself in the mirror and dedicating that time to myself. This makes me feel strong and recharged.

The "You are Enough" statement means a lot to me because as we are bombarded with all the opinions of others, we must remember that the only opinion that matters is the one we tell ourselves. 


You Are Enough: Have All The Feelings

By: Kristin Padilla 

Your mind is running all the time, 24/7. Turning it off is not possible. Growing up feelings were just something not talked about. My family was not the emotional family. No one sat around and talked about their feelings. 

I grew up thinking that talking about or showing my emotions was a sign of weakness. As I’ve gotten to learn and explore other peoples stories, many think this way. Sitting with my feelings and actually understanding why it is I feel a certain way. Thinking about how I can change my surroundings to make my feelings a little more lighter on my mind. That is what helps me.  Maybe showing emotions is something people don’t want to do, like me. I just prefer to keep it to myself. How to help that, is by acknowledging the feelings that occupy my mind, instead of acting like they aren’t there. 

If you are feeling sad, for no reason. FEEL SAD. If you are mad because you spilt coffee all over your car on your way to work. FEEL MAD. It is okay to feel that way, you just have to go through it. Don’t stay sad all day let it happen, but find a way to do something that makes it feel lighter. If you are the one that spilled the coffee in your car and cussed the whole way to work. Let it happen, and then forget about it once you get there. Don’t sit in the madness, don’t let it weigh on your mind.

I guess what I am saying is, just do whatever it is you need to do to be kind to your mind. It is busy and running all the time. Find ways to make it stop for a little while, make it lighter when you can. Spend more time with yourself and remind yourself you are enough. 

You Are Enough: Support Each other 

By: Alex Hernandez

A big thing that people forget is that being 100% themselves is enough. You have nothing to prove to nobody. YOU ARE ALWAYS ENOUGH! Things that make me feel enough are my support system, knowing that I am not alone. It is important to celebrate failures, there is so much life to be thankful for, and remembering to be the best version of myself each and everyday. 

No matter if it’s your own experience or someone else’s that inspires you to make mental health a priority, it’s the positive change that’s important.